Okay, it's getting a little crowded and crazy around here. Of course, you all know that we had 5 dogs here... but then Carmen moved in with us and brought Gwumpy (also known as Reece) to live with us.
Now, don't get me wrong, Reece is pretty cool, for a sissy. I mean, I can beat him up, so... not impressed. But, I can pretty much beat up anyone in the house. But here's the thing: we all have to REALLY behave because of new rules.
#1 - No jumping on Carmen's belly to play with the puppy she's growing in there. I mean, her belly LOOKS like it's big enough to have a puppy come out, but the Mommies keep saying we have to wait until September. BORING!
#2 - No roughhousing with Reece. Sheesh. You'd think that just because Ziva, Max and I all had him pinned on the ground making growly noises and playing vampire that we're BULLYING him. Whatever.
#3 - I gotta get my hair cut! The mommies say that I have too much fur and that I'm poofing out pollen and stuffs, making Carmen wheeze. They say we gotta protect the puppy in her tummy, so *I* have to suffer the indignation of getting trimmed. I hope she has 12 puppies, by the way. That would be cool.
#4 - We can't jump on Max because he has boo boo'd legs. Something about hip dysplasia and muscles and stuffs. He went to the really nice vet at Gwinnett Animal Hospital that helps Echo walk when he's hurting, and she did some stuffs to his legs. He says he feels a little better now so MAYBE someday soon we can start roughhousing with him again.
And of course, pictures of me. I'm so pretty. I don't want to be trimmed!

This is how I look when Mommy Cate says she's gonna trim my hair:
