This was me being captured by Mommy Cate:

By the way, Ozzie, is this YOU???
Husky Steals Bone from Supermarket
By all, gotta go hide from the dremel nail eater.
Girl Power! I'm a Siberian Husky planning to take over the world. I have two German Shepherd pack brothers, a German Shepherd pack sister, two litter brothers that blog, and a stinky new rottenweiler pack brother.
So Sunday was my play date with my litter brother Ozzie. We had sooo much fun. We played, and fought, and tumbled and ran. Then we fought some more. We were playing in the yard and I found a fresh pile one of my big brothers left, so I rolled Ozzie in it. Sorry Oz!
Ozzie and I look so different now! I'm super fuzzy and he's all nice and neat looking. Darn humidity! Mommy Cate says I'm a "chunk", but I don't know what that means. All I know is it is fun to hear her say "oof" when she picks me up. I think she's trying to bark. So cute.
I got to meet John and Kelly, Ozzie's humans. They're pretty nice!
Ozzie lost two teeth biting me while we played. I didn't feel a thing! I'm husky tough! Oz, I'll mail your teeth if I find them.
ps Oz, my brother Echo said you didn't follow through on your claim that you could beat him up.
Here's the pictures!
This is Oz playing vampire.
This is us touching noses the hard way.
This is Oz trying to smother me.
Mommy Cate tries to wipe poop off of Ozzie after I rolled him in it.
Ozzie tries to escape, but I grab him by the tail.
Oz gets away. I totally let him.
Oz tries to use me as a pillow.
Me. I'm so pretty.
This is us playing looking fierce. Oz is on the left.
Us again. Oz on the left again.
I can't wait for the next play date! Loves ya OZ!
Click the pictures to see them bigger!
My brother Sabre makes the best pillow.
Me after Mommy tried to drown me. 3 days of rain and I get punished for playing in the red mud??
I have a PIZZA BONE! The Mommies and Carmen got pizza, and when they were done they gave us the bones. YUM! Sabre ate his fast, so he was asking me "Are you gonna eat that?"
My brother Echo trying to eat me. I love this picture cause I looks tough in Echo's mouth.
What could be better than hanging with your bro on the deck, in the nice cool weather, overlooking your kingdom?
So much to catch up on! Let's see...
Saturday Mommy Cate took me to see Dr. Travis, a nice lady at some place called Mercy Animal Hospital. I told her I wasn't sick, but nooo... she stuffed me in my crate and threw me in the car anyway. The ride itself wasn't too bad. Mom had the radio on and I sang really loud the ENTIRE way there. Mommy called it howling, I think that means I'm really good at it.
Dr. Travis was a nice lady. She petted me and gave me a "special" cookie cause she said something about worms. I dunno. It was a pretty good cookie. She rubbed my belly and said I was a good puppy. Then a really big mosquito BIT me! Thankfully Dr. Travis knew right where it stung me and scratched it for me. Mommy said something about being good with shots. I dunno what that means, but I hope Dr. Travis makes sure no more big bugs are there to bite me next time.
So, this weekend Mommy Cate said she was tired of my wiggling when she carried me down the stairs outside, and after I showed her I could run up them myself she decided that I could learn how to go up and down. Our stairs are about 8' tall. You go down some and then you have a nice big place to lay in the sun. Then you go down more and you're on the ground!
Mommy put a halter on me. She said I can be a big girl and do it myself as long as she has a leash on my halter and can keep me from falling. A couple of times she let me go down the last few steps on my own. I learned that if you jump from the third step it doesn't feel real good. Sabre jumped from the second so I tried that and I splatted on my chin. So now I just do a BIG jump from the first step for style.
After 3 days of making sure I was okay, I decided this morning to show Mommy Claire I was big enough on my own. So when she opened the door to let my brothers out, I zipped out really fast and surprised her! I waited for Sabre at the "landing" and had him walk down with me. Then I peed and went up a few stairs and waited for my big brother Sabre to escort me back up. He's really sweet. Mommy Claire was just shaking her head and looking shocked but I'm pretty sure she's proud of me!
This is me on my new stairs. I'm the queen of the world!
So, I got a lot more to talk about but right now I think Sabre needs me to play tug of war, so BYE!!!!
Oh yeah, and a big husky howl to my brother Ozzie!
-- Dief
Hahahaha. The mommies kept saying they wanted me to sleep ALL night. So I am sorta. I do wake up and ask if they're still there at 3am, but I don't have to go out now, so I just go back to sleep.
But Mommy Claire wants me to sleep during the day too? HAH! I got non-stop HUSKYPOWER now!
I don't know why Mommy Claire and Sabre and Echo are all crying together in the corner.
By the way, I'm being tortured! Mommy Cate bought a "play-yard" for me outside so Mommy Claire could do things like "eat and stuff and just have five minutes, just five minutes of peace and quiet!" during the day. But I'm in JAIL! NOT fair. Someone call the humane society please, I'm being abused!
Mommy Claire gave me a new name! My new name is Rocketbutt. I think it's pretty funny. I'm really fast, and now I've figured out that if one of the mommies has me outside that they have to catch me to make come inside!! It's a great way to exercise your humans, and really fun!
The mommies have been working on clearing out small trees and stuff on the small fence. They just bought this house 3 weeks before they got me, so they still have a lot of work to do. I'm a big strong helper, so I pitched in. I won't say I did ALL the hard work, but pictures pretty much speak for themselves: